We guarantee your hive will survive the trip to your address and was in good condition when it was sent to you. We will guarantee the hive for 12 months and will replace it if required. Your hive will NOT be guaranteed if it dies out due to the following conditions:
1. Extreme temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius
2. Direct sun after 10 am in Summer
3. Prolonged cold periods less than 18 degrees Celsius (Insulation can help)
4. Opening hives when temperature is less than 18 degrees Celsius
5. Continuous opening of hive
6. Insect attack (Flies)
7. Splitting hives
8. Excessive Cadagi seeds
9. Spiders & Ants
10. Poisons
11. Hives less than 5 metres apart
12. Hives fighting or swarming
13. Moving hives incorrectly
14. Lack of food
15. Taking honey
16. Flight path obstructed
17. Keeping the bees outside their natural geographical range
1. You need to monitor the progress of your hive using a monthly progress log book or record book
2. Take photos of the inside of your hive if you suspect there is a problem
3. Notify us of any sign of reduced activity or problems during the first 6 months of ownership
4. Don’t wait until day 364 to tell us there is a problem. Keep us informed during this period.