• Mo-Fr 7am to 4pm​
  • Sat 8am to 2pm​
  • Sunday & Public Holidays closed unless by prior appointment
  • Emails and SMS welcome anytime. A reply will be sent within 24 hours.​


all of our enterprises Australian Stingless Native Bees all of our enterprises Russell Zabel Platycerium Ferns all of our enterprises Bee Workshops all of our enterprises Zabel Apiaries all of our enterprises Zabel Honeybee Equipment Supplies

Find your way to all of our enterprises Australian Stingless Native Bees all of our enterprises Russell Zabel Platycerium Ferns all of our enterprises Bee Workshops all of our enterprises Zabel Apiaries all of our enterprises Zabel Honeybee Equipment Supplies

Russell and Janine are transitioning to retirement.
See our discounted prices offer in our shop via the below link.

Have any questions?
Feel free to contact us at any time. That's what we're here for!

Russell and Janine Zabel have been clients of mine for the past 15 years. During that time I have seen them grow their bee and honey business from a passionate hobby into an equally passionate business. It has brought me great pleasure to be witness to their success. Russell and Janine are committed to delivering quality products and advice to their customers. Their work ethic, integrity and obliging sense to serve is fundamental to the type of people they are.


This is the main enterprise in our company. We are proud of what we have achieved over the past 30 years of keeping stingless bees and offer an exceptional service to our customers.

Our bees are housed in great looking timber boxes. The timber is cypress pine. It is a renewable resource and is responsibly harvested and milled in Western Queensland.

Russell is a carpenter and was a TAFE building teacher for nearly 30 years. He supervises the construction of all of their boxes and knows that each component is accurate and well made.

Please check out the new on-line shop for buying colonies, boxes and associated items.

100% Australian Family Owned and Operated Company


Australian Family Owned and Operated Company

Russell and Janine have been industry leaders for many decades. With years of experience, they are able to answer just about any question that you may have about bees and platycerium ferns. Please feel free to contact them at any time.


100% Australian Family Owned and Operated Company

ABN: 35626630082
ACN: 626630082

ABN: 35626630082
ACN: 626630082